<![CDATA[SAM – Senior Active Men’s Group of Illinois - Investments]]>Fri, 17 Jan 2025 21:19:16 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[April 26 - SAM/MEL Investment Meeting]]>Wed, 13 Apr 2022 18:01:21 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/investments/april-26-sammel-investment-meetingThe next investment meeting is scheduled for MEL/SAM is Tuesday April 26 from 1:30 to 3:00 at the Highland Park police station. This investment program is designed to discuss current events as they might affect the economy and our investments.  In the past, discussions have been very lively and informative, with everyone getting a chance to express their thoughts and ask questions.

At this particular time we have three main factors affecting the economy and the market. We have a significant war which is affecting Europe in a major way, and also affecting us as well as the rest of the world. In addition we have very high inflation as well as a pandemic. On top of that we have the Fed which is about to raise interest rates significantly, we're dealing with climate change, a sharply divided country, supply chains and sanctions on Russia, to name some of the more obvious ones.

These factors do not exist in isolation, but have an impact on each other. This should bring up some interesting discussions and I hope that each of you will come prepared to participate.

We welcome all SAM/MEL, GEL, SEL and HOGS members and their guests to join us in our discussions. Remember we want to hear your comments, thoughts and questions, so come prepared to participate

If you plan on attending, please email

Al Simon asimon1628@aol.com
<![CDATA[October 2 - Investment Meeting]]>Fri, 23 Aug 2019 04:29:35 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/investments/october-2-investment-meetingDate: October 2 
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Highland Park Police Station

Address: 1677 Old Deerfield Road, Highland Park, IL 60035

The next investment group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday October 2 at the Highland Park police station. This investment program is designed to discuss current events as they might affect the economy and our own investments. In the past, discussions have been very lively and informative, with everyone getting a chance to express their thoughts and ask questions.

The times are very fluid right now, which means there are many topics to discuss. We can start with tariffs and see just exactly who they will affect and what will their impact likely be. Also, we can consider our trade deficit and discuss if it really matters. Then there is the recently passed tax bill. The concern here is the deficit that it may cause, plus profit repatriation and its effect on global liquidity, which may have a dramatic effect on emerging markets. We now have a flattening yield curve and what does that mean. Also Brexit is coming up shorty, and then there are troubles with emerging markets, namely Turkey., Italy, Africa and South America to name a few. And of course, just how strong is our economy now. Plus any new tweets from Trump. These are just some of the topics we will try to cover, and there could be more to come.

Of course, we will be open to any additional topics that participants may choose to bring up including any new developments that may occur in the interim.

We welcome all MEL, GEL, SEL, HOGS, and SAM members and their quests to join us in our discussions. Remember, we want to hear your comments, thoughts and questions, so come prepared to participate.

If you plan on attending, please email me or George Giddens so that we can prepare the room.

Al Simon  -  asimon1628@aol.com
George Giddens  -  ggiddens59@gmail.com]]>
<![CDATA[June 4 - Investment Meeting]]>Sun, 05 May 2019 03:40:16 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/investments/june-4-investment-meetingDate: June 4 
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Highland Park Police Station
Address: 1677 Old Deerfield Road, Highland Park, IL 60035

The next investment group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 4 from 1:30 to 3:00 at the Highland Park police station.  We welcome all MEL, GEL, SEL, HOGS and SAM members and their guests to join us in our discussions. 

This program is designed to discuss current events as they might affect the economy and our investments.  In the past, discussions have been very lively and informative, with everyone getting a chance to express their thoughts and ask questions. Remember, we want to hear your comments, thoughts, and questions, so come prepared to participate.

While in the past there have been one or two  major issues affecting the economy, at this point in time, there seems to be many. These start with The populous movement, changes in supply chains, global and local growth (namely per capital income  growth), regulation as it affects manufacturing and technology, demographics, debt, deglobalization, value of the U.S. Dollar, interest rate differentials including inversion, tax cuts and their effect on growth, is the stock market ahead of itself, and, of course, Brexit.

That's a long list and is not even all inclusive.  So we will be open to any additional topics brought up by participants, plus any new developments that may occur in the interim.

If you plan on attending, please email Al Simon email address asimon1628@aol.com so that we can have the room set up accordingly.

Al Simon
George Giddens
<![CDATA[October 10 Investment Meeting]]>Tue, 12 Sep 2017 13:17:40 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/investments/october-10-investment-meetingDate: October 10 
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: Highland Park Police Station
Address: 1677 Old Deerfield Road, Highland Park, IL 60035

The next investment group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday October 10 from 1:30 to 3:00 at the Highland Park police station. This investment program is designed to discuss current events as they might affect the economy and our own investments. In the past, discussions have been very lively and informative, with everyone getting a chance to express their thoughts and ask questions.

This time there are a number of subjects to cover: active versus passive investing and the effect that passive investing has on the market; automation and its effect on employment and wages; demographics and its impact on imbedded costs; the impact of rising debt levels (both consumer and government) and stock buybacks. Plus, of course, the effects of the current hurricanes. And, of course, we will be open to any additional topics brought up by participants, plus any new developments (like hurricanes) that may occur in the interim.

We welcome all MEL, GEL, SEL, HOGS and SAM members and their guests to join us in our discussions. Remember, we want to hear your comments, thoughts and questions, so come prepared to participate.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP here so we can set up the room accordingly.

Al Simon
George Giddens