<![CDATA[SAM – Senior Active Men’s Group of Illinois - Trips and Tours]]>Sat, 29 Mar 2025 02:53:16 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Novmber 8 - Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum]]>Thu, 28 Sep 2023 04:26:14 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/trips-and-tours/september-27th-2023When: Wednesday, November 8th at 10am
Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum, 3117 N. Knox in Chicago

SAM has a museum visit planned on Wednesday November 8th at 10am to the Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum https://klairmontkollections.com/

The museum displays over 300 eclectic and/or award winning vehicles from the early 1900's to present day. 

The museum is located at 3117 N. Knox in Chicago and there is free parking.

Admission to the museum cost $20.

Members may bring a guest who would be a potential member. Guests will also pay the admission fee of $20.

The drive from Evanston takes about 45 minutes. Those who would like a ride or to drive in a carpool should meet at the parking lot at Robert Crown Center, 1801 Main Street in Evanston, at 9:00am. Please let Neal Rubin know if you need a ride or are willing to be a car pool driver.

After the museum tour, lunch is planned at Smoque BBQ 3800 N. Pulaski Rd in Chicago. https://smoquebbq.com/locations/smoque/#menu

Please RSVP by November 3rd

Click here to RSVP   

Please email Neal Rubin @ neal.rubin21@gmail.com if you have any questions.]]>
<![CDATA[TOUR TO HINDU MANDIR]]>Tue, 08 Aug 2023 05:12:46 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/trips-and-tours/tour-to-hindu-mandirPicture
When: Wednesday, Sept 20 @ 10:15am
Where: 1851 S. State Route 59, Bartlett IL 60103

​SAM members and guests have the opportunity to visit the Hindu Mandir (place of worship) in Bartlett featured in Geoffrey Baer’s recent documentary on WTTW-TV called “The Most Beautiful Places in Chicago.”

The guided tour for SAM members and spouses or partners will be on Wednesday morning, September 20th at 10:15am. There is no charge for the tour.

The address of the Hindu complex is:
1851 S. State Route 59
Bartlett IL 60103

The drive from Evanston takes about an hour. Those who would like a ride or to carpool can meet at the parking lot at Robert Crown Center, 1801 Main Street in Evanston, at 8:45am. The tour begins at 10:15am and lasts until about 11:45. 

Visitors are asked not to wear shorts or revealing tops. Socks are needed because we will be asked to remove our shoes before entering the Mandir. Photos are allowed outside the buildings, but not inside. 

After the tour, lunch is planned at Chef Ping’s in Rolling Meadows, a restaurant easily accessible along the route home.     http://www.chefping.com  for more information for those who want to participate.

Although ancient in appearance, this Mandir is of recent construction, inaugurated in 2004. The exterior of the Mandir is Turkish limestone, and the interior is white Italian marble. Two thousand craftsmen chiseled the stone into 40,000 intricate pieces according to guidelines in ancient Hindu texts of temple architecture. The pieces were then shipped to Chicago and assembled. The sixteen domes are supported by 151 pillars and 117 arches.

Visitors to the Mandir enter by way of the adjacent Haveli, a cultural center featuring intricate carved wood pieces also crafted according to designs thousands of years old.

Most Hindus greet each other by bowing with folded hands while saying “Namaste.” This mandir belongs to the BAPS branch of Hinduism whose followers say “Jay Swaminarayan,” a reminder to remain humble.

Please RSVP by September 11thClick here to RSVP.

Please email Phil Osborne,
  philosborne1@gmail.com if you have any questions.

<![CDATA[Modern Skyscraper Tour]]>Wed, 03 Jun 2015 13:48:44 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/trips-and-tours/modern-skyscraper-tour
Howard Sachs, a SAM member and a docent with the Chicago Architectural Foundation will be leading a  Modern Skyscraper tour on July 7th at 10:15am.
The tour is free.

Modern Skyscraper Tour 
A 2 hour walking tour through the central loop, featuring buildings over the last 60 years from the beginning of the Modern era, to post-modern and contemporary styles. Learn about the architects involved, their methods, the connections to Chicago's historic architectural past, and the influence on architectural styles throughout the country and world-wide.

Tour will begin at the Railway Exchange Bldg (CAF Hdqtrs) 224 S. Michigan Ave at 10:15am.

The tour is limited to ten and will be for SAM members only. You’ll receive confirmation that you are on the tour from Howard Sachs. A waiting list will be created if more than 10 rsvp. In case of rain the tour will be held on July 8th at 10:15am.

RSVP to Howard Sachs at sachsha@comcast.net 

<![CDATA[Illinois Holocaust Museum Tour - Dec. 17]]>Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:36:21 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/trips-and-tours/illinois-holocaust-museum-tourThe SAM Group will be sponsoring a docent tour of The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center on 12/17 at 2:00pm. It will be given by Bobbi Michaels, wife of Terry Michaels.

The tour lasts approximately 2 1/2 hours and will include the permanent exhibit which focuses on pre-war European life, ghettos and concentration camps, liberation and resettlement around the world.  

The tour will also include the temporary exhibit - RACE: Are We So Different?. This exhibit was developed by the American Anthropological Association in collaboration with the Science Museum of Minnesota and is the first national exhibition to tell the stories of race from the biological, cultural, and historical points of view. 

The cost will be $10 per person and you are welcome to bring a guest. The maximum number of people for the tour is 20. Once we reach 20 people we will create a waiting list and advise those on the waiting list if space becomes available.Those on the waiting list will receive a refund if they don’t get added to the tour. Those who are part of the first 20 who commit would get a refund only if their place is filled from the waiting list.

Note:  Checks should be made out to: Senior Active Men’s Group of Illinois and mailed to:  

Attn: Terry Michaels, Treasurer
          4709 Golf Road, #200
          Skokie, Illinois 60076

Deadline for receipt of checks is 11/28/2014. 

Any questions, contact Rich Steele at richsteele45@comcast.net

The museum is located at 9603 Woods Drive Skokie,  IL.