<![CDATA[SAM – Senior Active Men’s Group of Illinois - Special Events]]>Tue, 25 Mar 2025 01:30:53 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[August 21 - Sanfilippo Private Estate Docent Lead Tour]]>Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:36:37 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/special-events/august-21-sanfilippo-private-estate-docent-lead-tourWhen: August 21 at 1:30 PM - Please arrive by 1:15.
Where: Sanfilippo Estate is located at 789 Plum Tree Road, 
Barrington Hills, IL 60010

The SAM’s Group has been able to reserve the Sanfilippo Private Estate Docent Lead Tour for Wednesday, August 21 1:30pm.Please arrive by 1:15pm.

Don’t miss out on the attending this exciting tour. www.sanfilippofoundation.org

This is a perfect event to have friends, spouses, and partners join us. 

The cost of the tour is $30 per person. 

If you have any questions, contact Tom Labarre email address  tel1016@aol.com

Carpooling may be a possibility once we get all the rsvp’s.
Your payment must be received by August 11th.
Please include a note with your name and guests names with your check.
Make checks payable to Senior Active Men’s Group of Illinois and send to:
Terry Michaels 
800 Elgin Rd #1103
Evanston, Illinois 60201
The Sanfilippo Estate is located at 789 Plum Tree Road, Barrington Hills, IL 60010
Be sure to open the attachments to this email for additional information! 
We need at least 30 people in order to take a private docent lead tour.

Sanfilippo Estate Collection www.sanfilippofoundation.org. is the largest private collection of automatic music instruments in the world. 

The tour begins in the main Residence viewing and learning about the Sanfilippo Collection of automated music machines, including hearing a representative selection of their music machines such as:

​Edison and Victrola Phonographs, Barrel Organs, Disk Players, Roll Orchestrions, Violin Machines and more. The house portion of the tour culminates in their Music Theater with a mini-concert on the world’s largest theater pipe organ. The tour continues in their Carousel Pavilion. Inside you will enjoy hearing a selection of Dance Organs, Band Organs, Calliopes, and Fairground Organs. You will also have an opportunity to view an 1881 Grant Railroad Locomotive (used by Henry Ford) with its tender and caboose; a reproduction Pullman Coach Car; spectacular street clocks; and a variety of Stationary Steam Engines.
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<![CDATA[June 8 - Tour Rosehill Cemetery]]>Fri, 24 May 2024 20:53:00 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/special-events/june-8-tour-rosehill-cemeteryWhen: June 8 at 9:45 AM
Where: Rosehill Cemetery, 5800 North Ravenswood, 2 blocks south of Peterson, in Chicago

Ok, Sam Members, Let’s do it!  You indicated you would be interested in a walk through Chicago’s history via a visit to local final resting sites.

Saturday, June 8 arrive by 9:45 AM. Rosehill Cemetery, 5800 North Ravenswood, 2 blocks south of Peterson, in Chicago.

A Guided docent. lead 1-1/2 hour walk begins (Rain or Shine) at 10 AM  sharp! Enter through the National Historic Arch for available parking.

View a history of the City, including its notable citizens, and sometimes the infamous, from the Civil War and forward. 

Oh yes, it’s free.

To gage the number planning to attend and secure a place for early lunch, if desired, at the Fireside, 2 blocks south on Ravenswood.

RSVP by June 5th and indicate if you also plan to join us for lunchPlease click here to RSVP.

Founded in 1859, the 350-acre Rosehill Cemetery is the largest—and one of the older—cemeteries in the city of Chicago. When you walk through the magnificent Gothic-style entry gate, you will feel transported away from the hustle and bustle of the Windy City into a serene and beautiful place. As you meander through the vast property, you’ll notice historic Victorian-era architecture and monuments, a grand mausoleum, incredible statuary, statuesque trees and lovely shade-providing trees.

View its Website for more information.


Questions ( but no answers)! Contact:

Ed Shinitzky 
<![CDATA[AN EVENING WITH MUSICIAN HOWARD LEVY, Saturday, May 1st, 8pm​​​​​​​ CDT]]>Sat, 03 Apr 2021 16:23:34 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/special-events/an-evening-with-musician-howard-levy-saturday-may-1st-8pm-cdtAN EVENING WITH MUSICIAN HOWARD LEVY, Saturday, May 1st, 8pm​​​​​​​ CDT

                 HOWARD LEVY

​​An hour long performance/lecture given by 2-time Grammy-winning composer, pianist, harmonicist and educator.  This event is a condensed journey through the past, present, and future of Jazz.
Check out this link: https://youtu.be/CWoqC6sOnAA

Tickets $10.00 for members,     $15.00 for non-members of SAM

Attendance is limited so reserve your spot now!
Register for the event by sending your check along with:
Email Address
TO: Terry Michaels
     800 Elgin Road #1102
     Evanston, IL 60201

Please make checks out to Senior Active Men's Group of Illinois and checks must be received by 
Any questions,contact:  richsteele45@comcast.net or harvey_dershin@yahoo.com.
A Zoom link will be sent to your email address a few days before the event. Please do not forward the link.