<![CDATA[SAM – Senior Active Men’s Group of Illinois - Golf]]>Sat, 29 Mar 2025 02:53:16 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[MEL-GEL-SEL-SAM-HOGS GOLF OUTING]]>Tue, 30 May 2023 19:56:23 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/golf/mel-gel-sel-sam-hogs-golf-outingAttention all golfers

The pandemic is over, and we are resurrecting our annual combined golf outing with MEL-GEL-SEL-SAM and HOGS.

Even if you don’t play regularly, this is a fun event, so please join us !!!!

The event will be August 1, 2023 at TRADITIONS AT CHEVY CHASE in Wheeling

Shotgun start at noon—please be there by 11:00 AM

Format: step aside scramble, with a Peoria handicap system

Please include your handicap or average score for 18 holes with your payment. Fee will be $65.00, including dinner, gifts and prizes. Four man teams will include an A, B, C, and D player.

Golf fees--$51.00, or if you have a Chevy Chase player card, fee is $46.00, payable in the pro shop

Dinner—at Chevy Chase—buffet @ 5:30 PM, with separate cash bar open @ 4:30 PM

Please remit your $65.00 check, payable to “Senior Active Men”, by June 30, 2023, and give to me or send to me—800 Elgin Rd--# 1103, Evanston, IL 60201

Please call me with any questions.

We look forward to seeing you and enjoying another fun day !!!

Terry Michaels

<![CDATA[Golf on Thursdays April - September]]>Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:54:23 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/golf/golf-on-thursdays-april-septemberThe SAM golf group is planning to begin its 2023 golf season in mid-April. We will be playing at both Chick Evans in Morton Grove and Veterans Memorial in North Chicago. We play each Thursday starting @ 9am.

This group enjoys having fun, fresh air, a shared lunch. Play when it fits your schedule. The price is reasonable, the company friendly.

PLEASE RESPOND if you are interested in joining, or have any questions,

to Bill Steel at bsteelb@gmail.com or text him at 847.922.5721]]>
<![CDATA[Golf on Thursdays Through September]]>Tue, 03 May 2022 03:46:17 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/golf/golf-on-thursdays-through-septemberThe SAM golf group has begun its 2022 golf season. Our home course is Veterans Memorial  (formerly Willow Glen) in North Chicago. We play each Thursday starting @ 9am.

This is a laid back group with a simple goal: have fun, get some fresh air, play when it fits your schedule. The price is reasonable ,the lunches are good.

Please respond if you have are interested or have any questions to: Bill Steel @ bsteelb@gmail.com  or text him at 847-922-5721.
<![CDATA[April 1 - September 30]]>Fri, 16 Apr 2021 15:11:10 GMThttp://samgroupil.org/golf/april-1-september-30If you are interested in participating in the SAM golf group please contact Bill Steel at bsteelb@gmail.com.

The golf group will play weekly on Thursday mornings, April 1st through September 30th, around 9:00 AM.

We will play at Veterans Memorial Golf Course in North Chicago. Senior fees are $20 to walk or $25 to ride (2 to a cart). Payment by credit card only. Veterans has a very nice practice range. It also has a good restaurant where we can have lunch and still be finished by 2:30 PM.

The objective is to have fun!