All Activities
Biking Group - Interested in getting on the email list for biking? Contact Steve Blonz of the (GEL) group at or 847-212-8533.
Book Discussion Group - Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30pm at Beth Emet at Ridge and Dempster in Evanston. Group members pick the book the month before. Subscribe for monthly notification of the date and book on the Book group page.
Leaders: Rick O’Konis and Howard Sachs
Bowling - SAM/GEL/MEL/HOGS/SEL – 8530 N. WAUKEGAN ROAD, MORTON GROVE. Bowling will be open bowling for anyone who wants to bowl three games and then, if interested, join us for lunch afterward at the restaurant in the bowling alley. if you are interested, please email or call Alan Dordek, , (847) 251-1606 – Home, (847) 254-5246 - Cell
Breakfast Group - Meet for breakfast on a bi-weekly basis on Tuesday mornings at 9am for casual conversation with other SAM members.
Leader: Marty Freed
Canasta - Play Canasta once per month in the afternoon from about 1-4 PM.
Leaders: Eric Spiller emsrph@gmail
Film Discussion Group - Meeting monthly on the 1st Friday of the month at Beth Emet at Ridge and Dempster in Evanston 1:30 p.m. Each month a movie chosen by the presenter is viewed on your own. We then get together to analyze and review the movie over lunch.
Leaders: Bob Ward and Alan Greene
General Meeting - Each month the full membership gets together to conduct business and hear a speaker of interest.
Golf - The golf group will play weekly at both Chick Evans in Morton Grove and Veterans Memorial in North Chicago. We play each Thursday starting @ 9am.
Leader: Bill Steel at or text him at 847.922.5721
Investments - While SAM does not have its own group, our members are invited to join in both the SEL and MEL groups' monthly meetings.
Lineball - Lineball is 16 inch SOFT ball. No base running. The game lasts about an hour or so. NO SKILL REQUIRED. Just come out for the fun. If you don't want to play, bring a chair and watch, and maybe umpire or keep score for us. We play on a field just east of Northbrook Court. From Skokie Valley Rd go west on Lake Cook Rd to 2nd stop light which is Lee Rd, left on Lee, 1 block to the field. If you plan to play, please e-mail Herb Kanter at:, (847)722-1833.
Poker (low stakes) - Poker group meets first and third Tuesday evenings at 7pm. Contact Rich Steele if you are interested in playing in a low stakes poker game.
Leader: Rich Steele
The Roundtable - Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at Beth Emet at Ridge and Dempster in Evanston. The topic is chosen prior to the meeting. Discussions cover topics relating to such things as government, ethics, lifestyle and more.
Leaders: Terry Michaels and Linas Orentas
Short Stories Group - The group reads a short story before the meeting and then meet to discuss it. The group will meet every other week at Beth Emet 1224 Dempster St. in Evanston, for an hour. The short stories will be selected from the contents of one of the annual Best Short Stories publications.
Leader: Phil Osborne at 847-424-9433 or by email at
Sports Group - Members join in attending various sporting events throughout the year. From college to the pros we cover the gamut. Also participate in Fishing, Bocce, Bowling etc.
Trips and Tours - Other activities have included events such as a trip to the Illinois Railway Museum, Walking Architecture Tour, Ebertfest, Historical Tour of Downtown Evanston and many more.
Don’t see something for which you would like to see a group? Prepare an email describing your proposed group and forward to Rich Steele at and he will send it out to the entire membership seeking feedback on interest in your proposal.
Book Discussion Group - Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30pm at Beth Emet at Ridge and Dempster in Evanston. Group members pick the book the month before. Subscribe for monthly notification of the date and book on the Book group page.
Leaders: Rick O’Konis and Howard Sachs
Bowling - SAM/GEL/MEL/HOGS/SEL – 8530 N. WAUKEGAN ROAD, MORTON GROVE. Bowling will be open bowling for anyone who wants to bowl three games and then, if interested, join us for lunch afterward at the restaurant in the bowling alley. if you are interested, please email or call Alan Dordek, , (847) 251-1606 – Home, (847) 254-5246 - Cell
Breakfast Group - Meet for breakfast on a bi-weekly basis on Tuesday mornings at 9am for casual conversation with other SAM members.
Leader: Marty Freed
Canasta - Play Canasta once per month in the afternoon from about 1-4 PM.
Leaders: Eric Spiller emsrph@gmail
Film Discussion Group - Meeting monthly on the 1st Friday of the month at Beth Emet at Ridge and Dempster in Evanston 1:30 p.m. Each month a movie chosen by the presenter is viewed on your own. We then get together to analyze and review the movie over lunch.
Leaders: Bob Ward and Alan Greene
General Meeting - Each month the full membership gets together to conduct business and hear a speaker of interest.
Golf - The golf group will play weekly at both Chick Evans in Morton Grove and Veterans Memorial in North Chicago. We play each Thursday starting @ 9am.
Leader: Bill Steel at or text him at 847.922.5721
Investments - While SAM does not have its own group, our members are invited to join in both the SEL and MEL groups' monthly meetings.
Lineball - Lineball is 16 inch SOFT ball. No base running. The game lasts about an hour or so. NO SKILL REQUIRED. Just come out for the fun. If you don't want to play, bring a chair and watch, and maybe umpire or keep score for us. We play on a field just east of Northbrook Court. From Skokie Valley Rd go west on Lake Cook Rd to 2nd stop light which is Lee Rd, left on Lee, 1 block to the field. If you plan to play, please e-mail Herb Kanter at:, (847)722-1833.
Poker (low stakes) - Poker group meets first and third Tuesday evenings at 7pm. Contact Rich Steele if you are interested in playing in a low stakes poker game.
Leader: Rich Steele
The Roundtable - Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at Beth Emet at Ridge and Dempster in Evanston. The topic is chosen prior to the meeting. Discussions cover topics relating to such things as government, ethics, lifestyle and more.
Leaders: Terry Michaels and Linas Orentas
Short Stories Group - The group reads a short story before the meeting and then meet to discuss it. The group will meet every other week at Beth Emet 1224 Dempster St. in Evanston, for an hour. The short stories will be selected from the contents of one of the annual Best Short Stories publications.
Leader: Phil Osborne at 847-424-9433 or by email at
Sports Group - Members join in attending various sporting events throughout the year. From college to the pros we cover the gamut. Also participate in Fishing, Bocce, Bowling etc.
Trips and Tours - Other activities have included events such as a trip to the Illinois Railway Museum, Walking Architecture Tour, Ebertfest, Historical Tour of Downtown Evanston and many more.
Don’t see something for which you would like to see a group? Prepare an email describing your proposed group and forward to Rich Steele at and he will send it out to the entire membership seeking feedback on interest in your proposal.